Sunday, January 27, 2008

South Downs National Park - January Update

Just a few lines to let you know that I hope to be speaking to the new South Downs National Park enquiry on the 20th March. As most electors know, I believe that if we are to have a National Park (a near certainty unless Gordon Brown's government totally implodes as the going gets tougher economically) we need a large park which includes the Western Weald.

I am not reassured by the legal advice West Sussex County Council has procured in support of the Western Weald continuing to be an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty outside the South Downs National Park once it is formed. As I read it, the legal advice says that we could (if ministers and civil servants wished it) remain an AONB outside the new national park. Sadly, it does not say that we must. You will appreciate there is a huge difference between what is legally possible and what actually happens.

To save you writing to ask, I voted against the Chichester District Council leadership when it voted to support a park even smaller than that with the government's inspector has proposed. I continue to oppose the official Chichester District Council and West Sussex County Council position because I believe our very special environment in Rogate, Milland and Linch will be under grave threat if we are outside the park.


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