Thursday, March 20, 2008

South Downs National Park Enquiry

I gave evidence on behalf of Milland, Rogate and Linch at the South Downs National Park Enquiry in Worthing today. I summarised the points which I made in my letter to the Secretary of State (which may be found at Nigel Johnson-Hill also gave evidence on behalf of Milland Parish Council.

In summary, we argued that the Rother and Milland Valleys were special places, worthy of inclusion in the National Park on their own merits. We attacked the distinctly misguided statements which the County Council has been issuing against the National Park. I refuted some of the points that the inspector had made in his report on the National Park where he argued against the inclusion of both the Rother Valley and Milland Valley. I was impressed that he (he is chairing the enquiry in person) was prepared to listen to both Nigel and I. He appeared genuinely receptive to our points and arguments.

We need to continue to work to ensure that we make our feelings on the need to preserve our part of England known. I'm optimistic that right will triumph over narrow self interest and that we will secure the Weald and Downs for future generations of our countrymen.

Happy Easter,



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